Minutes-Huse Memorial Commission



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Huse Memorial Park Commission Meeting

124 Park Drive

Fayetteville, WV� 25840


Date:� October 23, 2018�� Time:� 10:00 AM

Meeting Location:� Huse Memorial Park


Board Members Present:

Chairman Lori Tabit

Judy Learmonth

Mike Pilato

Kay Phillips


Visitors Present:

Mayor Dennis Hanson

Sonya Wood


Meeting called to order by Chairperson Lori Tabit at 10:00 a.m.� The September 5, 2018 minutes for the Huse Memorial Park Commission were read, Judy Learmonth made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Mike Pilato.� The motion was approved.

Sonya Wood presented to the commission the financial report.� Mike Pilato made a motion to accept the report as presented, seconded by Kay Phillips.� The financial report was approved.

Sonya Wood presented the commission the request of Frank Larese to put lettering on back of monument.� Judy Learmonth made the motion for Sonya to contact the Chambers family and explain the situation.� Based upon their permission Sonya would need signed permission and go through the proper procedure, seconded by Mike Pilato.� The motion was approved.�

The commission discussed decorating Huse for Christmas.� The commission decided to decorate with snowflake wreathes, a large star on top of the building and 2 angels.

Sonya Wood discussed the Annual Candlelight Vigil for May 26, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.� Everything is going well with the planning.� Sonya purchased the poppies and has all the speakers and music lined up.

Mike Pilato made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:29 am.

Respectfully Submitted,


Lori Tabit, Chairperson���������� ���������� ����������


Bill Lanham, Superintendent ���������� ����������



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